मैं योगेश जाधव (उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षक, लेखक, कवि) अपने वेबपेज DNYAN SAGAR में आपका स्वागत करता हूं|

Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)

Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 32 of National Council for Teacher Education Act, 1993 (73 of 1993), the National Council for Teacher Education hereby makes the following amendments in the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition, Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2014, namely: -

यह सभी जानकारी अपनी भाषा में पढने के लिए वेबसाईट पर उपलब्ध गूगल ट्रांसलेटर का उपयोग करे |
  1. Short title and Commencement – (1) These regulations may be called the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition, Norms and Procedure) Amendment Regulations, 2021.
  2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
  3. In the National Council for Teacher Education (Recognition, Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2014 (herein referred to as Principal Regulations) in regulation 2 after clause (c) the following clauses shall be inserted namely: - “(ca) “multidisciplinary institution” means a duly recognised higher education institution involving several different subjects of study/ combining or involving more than one discipline. Multidisciplinary universities and colleges will aim to establish education departments, which besides carrying out cutting edge research in various aspects of education, will also run Integrated Teacher Education Programme, in collaboration with other departments or field of liberal arts or humanities or social sciences or commerce or mathematics, as the case may be, at the time of applying for recognition of Integrated Teacher Education Programme. (cb) “NEP 2020” means the National Education Policy 2020 which was approved by the Union Cabinet of India on 29 July 2020.”
  4. In the Principal Regulations, for regulation 9 the following regulation shall be substituted, namely: 

Norms and Standards for Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)

  • The teacher must be at the centre of the fundamental reforms in the education system. The ITEP shall be offered after Senior Secondary (+2) or its equivalent examination or as per NEP 2020 structure 5+3+3+4 of schooling. It integrates everything to empower teachers and help them to do their job as effectively as possible. In addition, the integration of disciplinary and professional knowledge caters to the requirement to recruit the very best and brightest for the teaching profession at all levels (5+3+3+4).
  • The ITEP programme emphasizes on preparing teachers as envisaged in Pedagogical and Curricular restructuring of school education under NEP 2020. Apart from preparing teachers for the school education system in the country, the disciplinary knowledge gained in different subjects would help the student-teachers to gain in-depth knowledge in their specific subject(s) which would ensure admission to higher studies in that disciplinary stream and for higher professional qualification.
  • The ITEP aims at the dual purpose of providing student teachers disciplinary knowledge along with the professional knowledge in an integrated manner. Since the program will be equivalent to an Undergraduate Degree (B.Sc./B.A./ B.Com.) and Teacher Education Degree, the curriculum of this program includes different courses and activities essential for both the degrees.
  • The ITEP offered by multidisciplinary Higher Education Institutions (hereinafter referred to as ‘HEIs’) will be the minimal degree qualification for school teachers. The ITEP will be a dual-major holistic Bachelor’s degree. This programme will prepare teachers for the new curricular and pedagogical structure of school education as reconfigured, to make it responsive and relevant to the developmental needs and interests of learners at different stages of their development, corresponding to the stages like Fundamental, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary guided by the 5+3+3+4 design.
  • The ITEP shall be in multi and inter disciplinary academic environment and shall be implemented in a phasewise manner commencing in a pilot mode. The programme shall permit sharing of existing physical resources of other departments of the university/ HEIs. The ownership of ITEP shall lie with the Education Department of the multidisciplinary HEIs. All stand-alone Teacher Education Institutions (hereafter referred to as ‘TEIs’) will be required to convert into multidisciplinary institutions by 2030 to become eligible to offer the ITEP.
  • The annual performance appraisal report shall be submitted by the HEIs, in the customised format for ITEP provisioned by NCTE, within 1 (one) month after completion of the academic year. Inspection shall also be conducted, based on a suitable proforma developed by NCTE, which will determine extension/ withdrawal of recognition.
  • The time limits prescribed for inviting and processing of applications as provided in sub-regulations (5) and (6) of regulation 5 of the principal regulations shall be adhered to. If it is considered necessary, the time limits provided under sub-regulations (5) and (6) of regulation 5 may be relaxed after due consideration and after obtaining approval of the Central Government.
  • ITEP shall be implemented in a phase wise manner starting from piloting in multidisciplinary HEIS/TEIs and thereby country wide expansion as per NEP 2020 timeframe.
  • The exit system shall be applicable in ITEP as finalised in the National Higher Education Qualification Framework by UGC aligned with NEP 2020.


The ITEP shall be of four academic years comprising eight semesters including internship (field-based experiences and practice teaching). Any student-teacher who is unable to complete any semester or appear in any semester–end examination, shall be permitted to complete the programme within a maximum period of six years from the date of admission to the programme.

Working Days:

(a) In a semester, there shall be at least 125 (one hundred and twenty-five) working days, excluding the period of admissions but including the period of examinations.
(b) Total working hours shall be a minimum of 40 (forty) hours to be spread over one week.
(c) The minimum attendance of student-teachers shall have to be eighty percent in all courses and ninety percent for field-based experience or school internship or teaching practice separately.

Intake, Eligibility, Admission Procedure and Fees:

a) The basic unit shall comprise of fifty students each in the programme.
b) The institution shall be permitted to opt for one or more streams of either Arts Stream or Science Stream or Commerce Stream. The institution shall also be permitted to opt for one or more units being appropriate, in case the institution is eligible for the same.


a) Candidates with minimum fifty percent marks in Senior Secondary or plus two examination or its equivalent (under 5+3+3+4 pattern) from a recognised board are eligible for admission.
b) The relaxation in percentage of marks in the Senior Secondary or plus two examination or its equivalent examination (under 5+3+3+4 pattern) and in the reservation for Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class or Persons with Disabilities or Economically Weaker Section and any other categories shall be as per the rules of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administration, wherever applicable.

Admission Procedure:

a) Admission in ITEP shall be through a suitable subject and aptitude test conducted by the National Testing Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NTA’) and shall be standardized keeping in view the linguistic and cultural diversity of the country.
b) A single nation-wide entrance test called National Common Entrance Test (hereinafter referred to as ‘NCET’)will be conducted by NTA for admission to the 4 Year ITEP under the recommendations of NEP 2020. The mode of examination shall be online/Computer Based Test (hereinafter referred to as ‘CBT’) in multilingual pattern and its score would reflect the relative performance level of the candidate for merit-based selection to secure the admission. Scorecard shall be prepared by NTA and admission shall be done through centralised online counselling.
c) At the time of admission to the programme, the candidate must indicate the subjects/discipline (B.A. B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed./B.Com. B.Ed.). Any change in the choice of subjects shall be made within one month from the date of commencement of the programme.


The institution shall charge only such fee as may be prescribed by the affiliating body or State Government or concerned Universities in accordance with provisions of the National Council for Teacher Education (Guidelines for regulation of tuition fees and other fees chargeable by unaided teacher education institutions) Regulations, 2002 and shall not charge donations, capitation fee etc. from the students.

Curriculum and Programme Implementation:

The Curriculum and the implementation of the programme shall be based on the Model/Suggestive Curriculum developed by NCTE. However, different universities and institutions conducting this programme will be allowed upto 30% flexibility while adapting or modifying the Model/Suggestive Curriculum as per local requirements. However, NCTE reserves the right to validate any modifications to the Curriculum so adapted or modified at any stage, if felt necessary. Within a time span of 90 (ninety) days, curriculum framework and suggestive syllabus shall be uploaded on NCTE website for adoption /adaptation by the recognised HEIs/Affiliating body.

The HEIs will have to fulfill the following specific requirements for implementation of ITEP:

(a) Preparing school calendar in which the school internship and other school related practicum are synchronized with the academic calendar of the school.
(b) Making arrangement, with enough schools, for 18 weeks internship as well as other practicum activities required for school engagement. These schools will preferably be government schools and will form the basic contact point for all practicum activities and related work throughout the program of study. The state education administration should be involved for the allotment of schools to different HEIs.
(c) Ensuring a coordinating mechanism between schools and HEIs of the region. The Government must ensure a rational and reasonable distribution of student-teachers in various schools, in consonance with the school calendar, to provide school support and cooperation.
(d) Developing institutional mechanisms to involve the schoolteachers, of the Internship schools, in processes related to school internship. An orientation may be planned with the commencement of the Internship program, where faculty from the institute/college/department interacts with school teachers (mentor teachers).
(e) Ensuring work in the field amounting to a minimum of 6 weeks, spread over several days throughout the program. This will include 4 weeks of engagements in different types of schools to develop an integrated picture and perception of school and classroom, along with experience of teaching and feedback etc., and a 2 week program for engagement with the community.
(f) Initiating and deepening the discourse on education by organizing seminars, debates, lectures and discussion groups for student-teachers and faculty.
(g) Organizing inter-institutional interactions for student-teachers between various colleges on themes of educational significance and participation in such events organized in other institutions.
(h) Adopting a participatory teaching approach to help student-teachers to develop reflective thinking and critical questioning in skill-oriented courses.
(i) Facilitating student-teachers to access quality academic journals and observation records which provide opportunities for reflective thinking.
(j) Maintaining records of planning, observation schedules, feedback and reflective reports prepared by the student teachers.
(k) Providing opportunities for faculty development and organizing academic enrichment programs for the professional development of faculty. Faculty shall be encouraged to participate in academic pursuits and pursue research, especially in school education.

Assessment and Evaluation: -

The evaluation pattern as per the Suggestive Curriculum Framework developed by NCTE would be followed.

Integrated course : Gujarat university / collages :

Integrated course : Maharashtra university / collages :

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